REITAN is a holding company which practices active ownership through independent business areas

Here you can read the press release about the strong financial performance in REITAN from 2020

Our job is to develop as many winners as possible, create a robust enterprise and contribute to the community. At REITAN, we work every day to be «the world’s best» owner, which demands a focus on logical and efficient corporate structures, building a strong corporate culture and establishing solid financial standards.

For many of us, creating jobs and developing the people around us is our most important driving force

Odd Reitan
Our businessmodel

REITAN is a holding company which practices active ownership through independent business areas. As an owner, we help develop the companies further by being a driving force within strategy, structure, culture and financial standards.

REITAN is active in seven countries in the Nordic and the Baltic regions, and comprises three business areas: REITAN HANDEL (retailing), REITAN EIENDOM (property) and REITAN KAPITAL (asset management).

REITAN HANDEL comprises the concept companies REMA 1000 Norge AS, REMA 1000 Danmark AS, REITAN CONVENIENCE AS and Uno-X Energi AS.

REITAN EIENDOM has three focus areas: City centre property in Trondheim, Bergen and Oslo, logistics and industrial property in Scandinavia and retail property in Scandinavia.

In Trondheim, we have Britannia Hotel. Nye Hjorten Theatre and the Posten Moderne museum are scheduled to open in 2024.

We are driven by our values, which is why we work hard and tirelessly to achieve the vision of being known as the most value-driven company. Among other things, we pursue this by cultivating our concepts’ underlying business ideas and by maintaining and reinforcing our culture where the customer is always our ultimate boss.

Read more about our philosophy and our values here.

Our basic principle is that «more people should own more». This is also why REITAN established franchising as an organisational system in the 70s. REITAN HANDEL is now exploring the possibility of an IPO, which will constitute a new arena for ownership.

Our values
Inger Sethov



We stick to our
business model

We keep
high moral standards

We are committed
to be

We encourage
a winning culture

We are
positive and

We talk with each other,
not about each other

The customer is
our ultimate boss

We work for
fun and profit

Vår visjon er å bli kjent som det mest verdidrevne selskapet. REITAN sysselsetter 44 101 mennesker i syv land i Norden og Baltikum.

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